This office has legally (by Deposit Agreement between the Ohio Genealogical Society and the Ohio Historical Society for the Richland County Clerk of Courts) transferred all naturalization records formerly in its possession (from 1800 and forward) to the Ohio Genealogical Society office located at 611 State Route 97 West in Belleville, Ohio. Thus, we cannot provide you with the A-NUMBER information requested in any forms. This information is only being provided to assist you as a starting point to request naturalization or citizenship documents.

We cannot advise what you should do in order to apply for a replacement of a citizenship or naturalization document.

The field office of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services serving Richland County is located in Cleveland, Ohio at A.J.C. Federal Building, 1240 East 9th Street, Room 501, Cleveland OH 44199.

Contact: Call toll free at 1.800.375.5283 OR 1.800.767.1833 (TTD for the deaf or hard of hearing).